Well Pharmacy Essay Competition (DEADLINE PASSED)

Well Pharmacy Essay Competition Brief


What can pharmacist do to reduce health inequalities within THE community sector?

Brought to you in collaboration with Well Pharmacy, this competition is linked to two of the BPSA policies as shown below:

  • 3.1 This Association believes that the pharmacy profession should encourage further investigation into healthcare inequalities within the UK population. [2021]

  • 3.2 This association believes that more proactive measures need to be taken to tackle health inequalities within the NHS [2022]


  • Discuss the current health inequalities that are facing community pharmacies.

  • Consider the different protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation).

  • Explore the reasons behind these health inequalities.

  • Highlight the different pharmacy practices that could make pharmacy more inclusive to both patients and pharmacy professionals.

Assessment Criteria:

  • Entrants should be studying for a Pharmacy degree or undertaking their Foundation Training year, and be a current member of the BPSA.

  • This essay should be targeted at community pharmacists.

  • The discussions should be logical and relevant to the essay question, appropriate to the target audience, and evidence-based.

  • Essays that contain ideas that can lead to patient harm, if implemented, or contain offensive language will be disqualified from the competition.

  • Recommended length of essay should be between 1000-1500 words.

  • The essay should be submitted in Word or PDF format.

  • References should use the Harvard referencing system and the quality of the sources will also be assessed.

  • References do not contribute towards the final word count.

  • Punctuation and grammar must be correct.

  • Please submit your essay on the Google Form provided.


Thursday 16th March at 23:59 GMT+0

Please do not hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions at


Best of luck!

Ema Damyanova

Competitions Coordinator - mandate 2022/23


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