Black History Month Essay Competition (DEADLINE PASSED)



“Health inequalities faced by Black Ethnic Minorities”



  • Explore the ethnic health inequalities in the UK including statistics

  • Discuss the health outcomes and their determinants among the Black minority group

  • Come up  with ideas/suggestions on how to tackle health inequalities in the UK


Assessment criteria

  • Entrants should be studying for a Pharmacy degree or undertaking their Foundation Training year, and be a current member of BPSA.

  • The discussions should be logical and relevant to the essay question, appropriate to the target audience, and evidence-based.

  • Essays that contain ideas that can lead to patient harm, if implemented, or contain offensive language will be disqualified from the competition.

  • Referencing style should be in line with the Harvard  style  and the quality of the sources will also be assessed.

  • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar will be included as part of the assessment criteria.

  • Recommended length of the essay is 1000 words (+/-10%).

  • References do not count towards the final word limit.

  • Please submit your essay on the Google Form provided.



Monday 31st October 2022 at 23:59 BST


Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!

Ema Damyanova

Competitions Coordinator - mandate 2022/23


Climate Change Poster Competition (DEADLINE PASSED)


Black History Month Advocacy Competition (DEADLINE PASSED)