Climate Change Poster Competition (DEADLINE PASSED)

Brought to you as part of the BPSA’s Climate Change Campaign this competition is linked to the BPSA policies shown below:

  • 5.1 This Association believes that we should make a conscious effort to reduce our carbon footprint [2021]

  • 5.5 This Association believes that patients should be counselled on the safe disposal of medication to reduce their environmental impact [2022]


As part of the Climate Change Campaign we would like you to design a poster promoting ways in which climate change can be tackled within pharmacy. The target audience are healthcare professionals as well as the general public and the poster should be suitable for display in both a community and an institutional setting.



  • Raise awareness of climate change.

  • Promote ways to help tackle climate change within pharmacy.

  • Suggest changes that can be implemented by the public to tackle

    climate change in relation to medicines and use of pharmacy services.

  • Introduce helpful resources for the public and the pharmacy staff.


  • Maximum 1 side of A4 and no more than 500 words (excluding titles and references)

  • The poster should include a title, sub-headings and references.

  • Statistics may be included to highlight the problem and importance of tackling climate change.

  • Images may be included.

  • References should use the Harvard referencing system.

  • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar will be included as part of the assessment criteria.

  • Provide information in a patient-friendly manner with no medical


  • Be creative and informative for your target audience.

  • The poster should be eye-catching and visually appealing.

  • Please submit your poster via this Google Form.


Sunday 5th February 2023 at 23:59 GMT+0


Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!

Ema Damyanova

Competitions Coordinator - mandate 2022/23


GSK Science Research Poster Competition (DEADLINE PASSED)


Black History Month Essay Competition (DEADLINE PASSED)