Student Exchange Programme Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: I have submitted my application on the ipsf sep website, why haven’t i heard back about it yet?
A: No applications will be looked at until after the deadline of 31st of December to make it fair for all applicants. After that date you can expect to hear back via email from the Student Exchange Officer about whether or not your application was approved.
Q: What documents do I have to fill when I apply for this programme?
A: You are required to register on the IPSF website at, where I will then approve your account and allow you to complete an Application Form for this. You are also required to submit a motivation letter and CV, as some countries may require these when they decide who to take on.
Q: Where do I select my preferred countries of choice?
A: This will be on the application form, so when you are completing it you will be able to chose 3 countries/associations to apply for a SEP with.
Q: I’m a first year, can I still apply?
A: Yes, definitely! We love the passion and enthusiasm from you keen first years!
Q: What if I applied to be a Local Exchange Officer and I still want to participate in SEP?
A: That is not a problem, just email the about where you will be during June - August time and all will be fine.
Q: How do I know which countries are participating in summer SEP this year?
A: All countries of IPSF are participating in summer SEP. The list is here -
Q: What about the number of students they can host?
A: If you click directly on the countries’ names on you will be able to view the number of students, the duration and sector the placements they are willing to offer.
Q: Can I contact Student Exchange Officers in other countries directly without submitting an Application Form?
A: This should never be done, as this will be classified as an “Undercover student exchange program” and could disable you from participating in any future Student Exchange Program. If you would like to ask a Student Exchange Officer a question, please communicate through the BPSA's SEO first.
Q: How much does it cost to apply for SEP?
A: If your application is selected by the home SEO it will cost £42 to move to the next stage of the programme, this must be paid BEFORE your application is fully approved and you can move onto the next step (it is still free to APPLY). You will receive £18 back if your SEP is unsuccessful.
Q: Do I have to arrange my own flights, visa (if required) and accommodation during SEP?
A: Yes, you are responsible for paying for the expenses incurred for the SEP. You are required to arrange your own accommodation unless stated otherwise by your host. Upon contact with your host closer to the date, you will receive an itinerary which will aid you in finding your accommodation throughout your SEP.
Q: Can I undergo long-term international placements through SEP (e.g. Erasmus)?
A: Unfortunately not. SEP lasts between 1-4 weeks, depending on the host country. Despite this, SEP is a great taster into global pharmacy and can provide you with many professional skills, which will make you a great candidate for any international pharmacy jobs in your future.