Boots Pharmacy Placement 2020

Foreword from Boots

We’ve made some exciting changes to our summer placement! We have both two and four week placements on offer with flexible start dates throughout summer in even more locations, so you can experience a Boots placement tailored to you. These are available for 3rd year MPharm students in England, Wales and Scotland and 2nd year students in Northern Ireland.

We are also pleased to share that there will be Pre-registration 2021 offers made to students who are passionate about community pharmacy and perform well during their placement with us. Pre-registration offers will be made throughout the summer and before the Oriel interviews take place.

By securing a Summer Placement in Scotland, you may have the opportunity to be added onto our NES preferred list for Pre-registration 2021.

The recruitment process

You will just need to complete a quick online application form via our website,

Following this, you will be asked to complete an online assessment and some further questions which should take no longer than an hour. We will then review all applications and let you know if you’ve been successful! We know it’s a busy time of the year for you so you’ll not be required to attend an interview.

Key Dates

  • 6th January 2020 – Applications open

  • 14th February 2020 – Application close

  • Week Commencing 9th March 2020 – Offers sent to successful candidates


Hear more about what one of Boots' current Pre-regs, Jawaad, had to say about the Boots Summer Placement:

It’s designed to give you a taster of what life is like in a Boots store. Though, the placement is about you and your own development needs, so if you want to spend your time focusing on a certain area of pharmacy, you will!

The line-manager was very supportive, she checked in everyday to make sure I was getting along fine with my learning. The dispensary and healthcare teams helped me get used to the processes of the store and each pharmacist had offered me different perspectives to the profession which I could learn from and utilise to become my own pharmacist in the future. By the end of this placement, I was confident that Boots is where I felt at home and so I accepted the pre-registration contract offer which came after an informal interview.

After accepting my pre-registration offer at Boots, I began my final year of university without the stress of the Oriel assessments and having the uncertainty of where I would end up.

Advice and top tips for those considering a Boots Pharmacy Placement?

If you are considering going into community pharmacy, then taking part in the Boots Pharmacy Placement is a must!

The placement itself is a ‘no risk, high reward’ opportunity. No risk being that it is only a few weeks in the summer AND you are paid for your time. Whilst it is high reward as you can develop your learning needs and potentially find your ideal pre-registration store whilst you are there.

Life is all about taking opportunities, and when one so beneficial like this presents itself, I can promise you it’s worth taking that leap of faith.

This publication is sponsored by Boots.


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