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LloydsPharmacy Mental Health Public Health Campaign Competition

Do you want to improve your awareness and knowledge of mental health? Do you want to experience designing and running a public health campaign? We have teamed up with LloydsPharmacy as part of BPSA’s ‘Let’s Talk Mental Health’ month to bring you the Lloyds Pharmacy Social Media Public Health Campaign Competition. Why not get involved and use the power of social media to raise awareness and spread some positivity in this difficult time? Use your creativity to help the public by designing and running a social media campaign on the topic of ‘Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic.’

The deadline to register is Monday 22nd February 2021. Please read the competitions brief for more information and if you have any questions, email the Competitions Coordinator via: competitions@bpsa.co.uk.

Competition brief: Lloyds Pharmacy Social Media Public Health Campaign Competition Brief