BPSA 2020 - 2021 Competitions Conclude

BPSA Competition Winners 2020/21

The BPSA is proud to announce the conclusion of the 2020-21 competitions. It has been a challenging year for the Association, sponsors and those participating in the competitions. We would like to thank all those who have contributed and participated in the competitions. 


Congratulations to all the winners and runners up, your fantastic efforts have led to another successful year of competitions. You can watch the conclusion videos and read the winning entries and experiences below.

Alliance Healthcare and Alphega Pharmacy Business and Enterprise Competition

Congratulations to Abeer Aamir, the 2020-21 winner.

“I am incredibly appreciative of the opportunity I was given to compete in the Business and Enterprise competition. The competition allowed me to look at pharmacy practice in a new light and specifically focus on how we as pharmacists must adapt to the ever-changing healthcare landscape, especially so in this new online based era. 

As we move into a post-COVID world, I believe it is crucial for all pharmacy students to take a look at how the practice will be shifting in the next few years with the rise of digital care, and learn how to adjust without compromising patient-focused care. Thank you again to the BPSA, Alphega Pharmacy, and Alliance Healthcare for organising this competition!” - Abeer Aamir.

You can watch the competition’s final here: 

Well Essay Competition

Congratulations to Nduchi Zora Abiama, the 2020-21 winner.

“The BPSA Well essay competition was an insightful experience. I was able to use my knowledge and background of practice in community pharmacy to convey how to improve health outcomes. It is imperative for pharmacy students to gain insights and take on more opportunities to assist in becoming well-rounded pharmacy professionals. Thank you for this opportunity and I look forward to more!” - Nduchi Zora Abiama

You can read Nduchi’s winning essay here.

LloydsPharmacy Social Media Public Health Campaign Competition

Congratulations to Habiba Shakiry, the 2020-21 winner.

“I am so happy to have won this amazing competition. This amazing opportunity not only helped the mental health of many students, but helped myself remain positive and proactive during the pandemic. This campaign highlighted the impact of mental health on students, and the physical impacts of mental health on the body. I also discovered the significance of physical care on the body as well as emotional. Additionally it aided the development of an array of skills such as, content ideas, research and creativity on how to present ideas. These are life long skills that are beneficial for one's future. 

It was a great extracurricular activity to participate in especially as it was done via different social media platforms. There were a variety of topics offered to choose from regarding mental health, which I believe is great as we have the autonomy to cover the topic we are most passionate about. I chose student mental health as I related to the struggles of students the most. This was an amazing and fun experience which I could not recommend more to any student! I would like to thank the BPSA and Lloyds pharmacy for organising this amazing opportunity and bringing light to this important topic.” - Habiba Shakiry. 

Feedback from judges: “Habiba is a deserving winner. She used social media platforms for a multimedia approach and capturing wider audience, she thought of everything from story highlights affiliating their other accounts, polls, recipes, and even creating an ‘Agony Aunt’ Snapchat, where people can anonymously ask advice in the knowledge that their messages will disappear after reading to instil confidence. Good reporting of analytics, reach, followers and post numbers are impressive. Clearly, she put a lot of work into this.”

You can find her campaign here:


RPS Clinical Research Poster Competition


GSK Science Research Poster Competition