BPSA 2019 - 2020 Competitions Conclude

The BPSA is proud to announce the conclusions of the 2019 - 2020 competitions. COVID-19 has presented a unique set of circumstances for the Association, sponsors and those participating in the competitions. We thank all of those who have contributed to and participated in competitions, in what are unusual circumstances.

The Association would like to give a special thanks to our Competitions Coordinator, Bella Shah, who has worked very hard in difficult circumstances to ensure that our members have not missed out on the opportunities presented by competitions.


Congratulations to all of the winners and runners up, your fantastic work has led to another successful year of competitions! You can watch conclusion videos for some of the competitions below

Alliance Healthcare and Alphega Pharmacy Business and Enterprise competition

Congratulations to Maddyson Chan, the 2019 - 2020 winner!

''I am so grateful for the opportunity to take part in the competition. Hearing feedack from peers who had previously competed inspired me to give it a go, and I would encourage everyone else to try it too! The competition itself really opened my eyes to the world of pharmacy business and getting to attend a BPSA conference allowed me to meet other pharmacy students and explore 'extra-curricular' areas of pharmacy. I had lots of fun competing at each level of the competition and surprised myself with how I tackled each challenge. I'm proud of the ideas I pitched - not to mention the amazing prizes I won!'' - Maddyson Chan

You can watch the competition’s conclusion video here.

Boots Clinical competition

Congratulations to Caitriona O'Driscoll, the 2019 - 2020 winner

''I am absolutely amazed to have won the clinical skills competition and to retain the title for Cardiff University for a second year in a row. The competition has been a brilliant opportunity for me to gain confidence and meet other pharmacy students from different universities.'' - Caitriona O'Driscoll

You can watch the competition’s conclusion video here.

Reckitt Benckiser Responding to Symptoms competition

Congratulations to Hudaifah Sharif, the 2019 - 2020 winner!

''I would say the competition has been a great experience, providing an opportunity to develop and optimise consultation skills. Upon reflection of the marking criteria, it has widened my perception with regards to being aware of the information patients want to hear. It has also reminded me that as pharmacists we should always look to solve patient complaints by targeting the source of problems and not by solely treating the symptoms. Ultimately, I would advise all students considering the BPSA competitions to partake as there is nothing to lose and I guarantee you will develop your knowledge and/or skills!'' - Hudaifah Sharif

You can watch the competition’s conclusion video here.

Reckitt Benckiser Student of the Year competition

Congratulations to Milan Uppal, the 2019 - 2020 winner!

''I definitely recommend anyone interested in this competition to enter as it does not take very long, it helps with your studies and you have the chance to win amazing prizes. All it took to enter was to follow the link and answer some questions on a specific pharmacy-related topic, very quick and easy. I was pleasantly surprised to get through to the final and even more so when I was announced the winner. I actually entered the competition because another BPSA member messaged me about the competition which goes to show how it's important to build and utilise your network because you could end up winning, just like me!'' - Milan Uppal

You can watch the competition’s conclusion video here.

Well Essay Competition

Congratulations to Priyanka Patel, the 2019 - 2020 winner! You can read Priyanka’s winning essay on our publications page here.

''Taking part in the BPSA Well essay competition meant that I was able to research and think critically about pharmacy and where there may be gaps to fill in order to enhance patient care. I believe it's important for future pharmacists to take interest in and be aware of the practicalities of patient centered care, as we will be shaping what this looks like in the future. Opportunities to get involved with competitions such as this one make this possible, and winning has enabled me to share my ideas with others which is both an achievement and a benchmark for me to improve on. Thank you again to BPSA and Well for arranging this!'' - Priyanka Patel

Lloyds Pharmacy Public Health Campaign Competition

Congratulations to Lucy Whitehouse, the 2019 - 2020 winner!

You can watch the winning video submission here.

''Taking part in the Lloyds public health competition was a brilliant experience. I had a lot of fun compiling the video submission with my fellow Pharmacy course mates. We researched the importance of Mental health campaigns which helped us expand our knowledge around the subject we had been studying as part of the MPharm. The video was based around a campaign we ran earlier in the year pre-COVID. This competition has left us with a video memory of a highlight moment during our 3rd year of studies. I would recommend anyone to take part in a BPSA competition!'' - Lucy Whitehouse

RPS Clinical Research Poster Competition

Congratulations to Emily Rose, the 2019 - 2020 winner!

GSK Science Research Poster Competition

Congratulations to Farah Siddiqui, the 2019 - 2020 winner!


Boots Clinical Competition


RPS Clinical Research Poster Competition